Cancer is a terrible disease. It steals so many things from so many innocent people. Cancer stole from me! Cancer stole my ability to have children, it stole my youth, time, health, comfort, joy. Cancer gave me early menopause, fear, anger and separation!
Its easy to feel sorry for those who have to fight cancer but what can you do to help? How can you help others feel less violated by Cancer? This is a question I ask myself daily. This is why I have my blog, share my journey, provide resources. Cancer makes me feel helpless but that feeling motivates me to find a way to help, a way to take back those things that were stolen.
Today I read a post that inspired me. My good bloggy friend over at
Hi Ho Ohio is doing something that I only wish I could do. I have copied her post and re-posted on my blog. After you read this I hope you take the time to
visit her blog and say hello! And...if you are interested in doing what she has so generously volunteered to do I have the
links on my blog!

Edited at 5:00pm, found another photo I failed to attach!

So here is the story.....

On Saturday 11-22-08 I will be cutting my hair
organization that donates hair for children's hair pieces for those who are not able to afford to purchase a hair piece themselves. You must donate a 10 inch "ponytail" in order for their to be enough to make the sizes needed. As you can see, I have the required amount of hair.
I have chosen this date, 11-22-08 as my donation day for a couple reasons.
First, it is my mother-in-law Gwen's birthday, but it is also the day she died. Gwen suffered and lost the battle with breast cancer. Gwen has a couple wigs and always commented about them. I felt donating on this day, in her honor, would make it double-special.
But, it is triple special. My father, John, was diagnosed with lung cancer just a couple months ago. His birthday is ALSO 11-22 and in his honor, I also will donate for him.
But, this is me today, Monday 11-17-08! And for a few more day, I have to wash and dry all this hair. My emotions are slightly mixed about the whole process.
My husband mentioned my hair was like "Crème brûlée" this weekend....that is his FAVORITE dessert. My girls say they won't know me! I say, it has taken me all this time to grow it and figure out how to fix I will have to re-learn.
But, you know the bottom line....someone, maybe even as many as three children, will have hair. Beautiful, healthy, "Crème brûlée" hair where they would otherwise not have any. It is winter, their little heads are cold and I can make them warm....and I can warm their hearts at the same time.

So, if you have a long ponytail....consider it....your will grow back and you might even want to do it again, that is my plan.