About Meaghan

I was a young, healthy vibrant 28 year old attending law school in the winter of 2006. During my second year of classes I began feeling ill. I went to numerous doctors looking for help. Each doctor suggested it was all in my head; maybe I was depressed, mentally ill or over-stressed. Because I was young and had always been healthy the doctors assumed nothing could be seriously wrong. Enduring extreme pain, bleeding and exhaustion I kept returning to my doctors looking for help. Still no one did anything to address any of my health issues. My symptoms became worse with each passing day. Because no one believed I was ill I continued to attend classes and tried to live a normal life. Eventually the pain became so unbearable I drove myself to the ER.

The doctors at the Emergency Room also suggested my pain was in my head. However, due to the symptoms I complained of they were required to give me a CT scan. The CT scan showed my pain was NOT in my head. I had a large tumor on my cervix. The tumor had grown so large it had crushed my ureters causing my kidneys to rip open. In February 2007 I was finally diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer, stage 3b. The same doctors that had assured me I was fine were now telling me and my family that I would not survive.

I decided not to give up but rather to fight. After two weeks of hospitalization and blood transfusions I was flown to Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston Massachusetts. Upon arrival the doctors were both amazed and horrified. Amazed at my spirit and horrified at the pain I was forced to endure. Teams of doctors attended me in an effort to diminish my pain and save my life. I underwent chemo, internal and external radiation as well as numerous surgeries. With only a 20% chance of surviving I and my doctors fought hard against cancer. In July 2007 I won my battle and was cancer free.

Although I won my fight I continue to struggle against the secondary effects of my treatments. Cancer has changed my life forever. I returned to law school and am set to graduate in December 2008.

Without the love, care and attention I received at Dana Farber Cancer Institute I would not have survived. Because of this I am dedicated to raising awareness and supporting Cancer Institutes.

I created this blog in an effort to help other fighters find a safe haven to share their stories, find helpful information and lean on each other for support. I also wanted a place for supporters to peak into what a cancer fighters world is like. To understand what their friend/family member is struggling through and help their loved one in the best possible way. I also wanted a place for caregivers to find support, information and courage too. Finally, I want to educate those people fortunate to not be a fighter, supporter or caregiver understand the world of those who are touched by cancer.

Please look around and if you can't find what you are looking for on this blog get in touch with me directly by clicking on Contact. It gives me great joy to know my cancer battle can help others!


  1. THE BEGINNING (about my initial symptoms & misdiagnosis)
  2. FINALLY I GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM (about my diagnosis)
  3. GETTING TO MASSACHUSETTS (about going to Dana Farber Cancer Institute)
  4. HOPE, THE SCARIEST WORD IN THE DICTIONARY (about realizing how sick I was)
  5. BACK TO SCHOOL (about my return to law school after treatments)
  6. THE SUBJECT OF HAVING CHILDREN (about dealing w/my inability to have kids)
  7. MY VERY FIRST TATTOO (about radiation treatments)
  8. PEE BAGS, A NEW LOOK (about having nephrostomy tubes)
  9. BATTLE WOUNDS (about the emotional scars cancer leaves)


Christa said...

Sharing your story is a beautiful way to help others and hopefully, it will help you continue to heal.

I admire your spirit, your determination to kick cancer's ass and moreover, your will to live and live well.

Reading your blog inspired me to get my mammogram done and follow up with an internal ultrasound about a cyst. I didn't want to do either but figured why risk it - just go.

My cysts is getting smaller and the mammogram is normal.

Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

I just happened on this when someone on my space asked us to forward your quest as a bulletan.
Good job...this is great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meaghan- My name is Carmen and I am Eloisa Rodriguez-Dod's sister. I am sure my sister told you my story - as you may know, I was also in law school (2nd year) and had a 9 month old baby at home, when I was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. I was 29 years old at the time, and it of course came as a shock. Like you, I wanted to fight back. I continued with law school, and with the support of family and friends, I graduated from UM law in 1985. To be honest with you, the UM administration was not as supportive as the love and support you seemed to receive from Nova. But truth be told, what really matter was that I was blessed and also kicked cancer's ass. Although it has been almost 25 years, not a day goes by that I can truly say I have become a better and stronger person for the difficult ordeal I faced. My kudos to you on your victory, and may God continue to bless you with health and love. My very best wishes to you...and congratulations on your graduation!

Anonymous said...

Hi Meaghan,

Thanks for sharing your story. It's a nice thing to help others with.
May we congratulate you on your degree?

Happy holidays and much fun with all your beautiful projects you are going to do in 2009!

Greetings from Europe, Carola

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! you are amazing and your website is beautiful.
Question for you and anyone else out there: My dad was recently diagnosed with small intestinal cancer Stage 4. It is a very rare cancer. We live in south florida and the oncologists are treating it with colo-rectal chemotherapy cancer drugs...which unfortunately are not working. Does anyone have any experience with this type of cancer or know any doctors that specialize in small intestinal cancer? My email is scobuck1@yahoo.com. THANKS!!!!

Lisa said...

Congrats my dear for kicking it's ass...my good friend is battling it too and has outlived (2) of his expected months to live dates. Yes, he will beat it a third time I am sure!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this blog! There is a very strong history of breast cancer in my family. We have lost my mother and grandmother, as well as some other relatives. Although my sisters and I don't live in fear over it, we do still wonder if one of us will be a victim someday. We do know, however, if it should happen to one of us, we witnessed the courage and strength of two awesome women who battled. Even though they lost, we are confident that today's advancements in medicine and that inherited strength and courage will pull us through. Thanks again for sharing your journey!

Candice said...

I came across your blog looking up something totally opposite of what I found, but I'm so glad I did. On September 16, 2007, I was diagnosed with Leukemia; APL. This up coming Monday was originally supposed to be the last day that I received chemo, but my doctor stopped me this Monday. I am so happy! It was definitely a struggle going through it, but I overcame it all. Btw, I'm 18, going on 19 in May. I was 17 when I was diagnosed -- that was just a side note. But I am so glad that I found this blog! I'll continue to keep checking back.

Sara Diana said...

Hi, I think you are a beautiful and brave person and your story is inspiring. I have breast cancer and am going through chemo at the moment. It is reassuring to here that the emotional and physical tolls of chemo and surgery are understood. It is equally great to hear your positive story. My blogspot is "Cancer Ain't Gonna Beat Me" - Sara diana Williams

Anonymous said...

I have breast cancer which has spread to the axillary lymph nodes below my armpit. But there is no primary tumour. Nothing shows up in the breast itself, not even with an MRI scan. I have been told 18% of people fall into this bracket. Anyone out there with the same diagnosis? Keen to know what treatment you are having and if you are having/had a preventative masectomy. My blog is http://gillian-fromundermyhat.blogpsot.com

KatBouska said...


This is why I have a love/hate relationship with doctors. My step dad was overlooked just like you were. When the pain was substantial enough in their eyes they decided to do the necessary test and found he had cancer of the jaw.

He died less than a year later.

Your story is inspirational and I love what you're doing with your blog.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. Love your story - congrats on being such a strong woman and being willing to share your story! Looking forward to following your blog.

Meg said...

WOW!! What a story. I'm so relieved for you and admire you so much for your persistence. We all have to trust ourselves and find the doctor who will listen to us, not dismiss us.
Stopped by from SITS!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Meaghan, for your posts... my wife and I were searching online because a very close friend was just diagnosed with cervical cancer "III-c" which we're told is a new designation between "III-b" and stage IV.

Like some of those people you've mentioned, she seems fine now but discovered this because of bleeding that wouldn't stop and general fatigue. She just went into the hospital today.

We're heartsick about it but hope to find the right way to give support without making her feel sad or somehow obligated to make us feel better or over-attended or under-attended... anyway, all those things. The list on your FAQ about how to lend support is very helpful.

So glad for you that your treatment was successful. Just knowing there's someone out there who's made it this far is inspiring.

Tami Boehmer said...

Hi Meaghan,
I am living with stage IV breast cancer and also given a crappy prognosis. First of all, I love your blog's name. What a statement! I have a blog with a less-witty title called Miracle Survivors at www.miraclesurivors.com.

My book, From Incurable to Incredible: Cancer Survivors Who Beat the Odds, will be out in 2 or 3 months. In the meantime, I share inspiring stories like yours on my site.

Come by for a visit on my blog; I would love to share your story and refer people to your site.

Tami Boehmer

Surviving Survival said...

Hang in there! I was diagnosed in 1975 (lymphoma). So I am proof of not only long-term survival, but survival from the long-term side effects of the treatment that kept me alive! While you never totally get over the “back-of-the mind” reminders, you will go on to a very rewarding and happy life. I am proof.


db said...

I needed to see your site today. I just finished my treatment (ACT Chemo/33 Radiation) on April Fool's Day 2010 - no fool, but a wonderful day nonetheless. Thank you for sharing your story.

Rene Barajas

Anonymous said...

Meaghan, you are a very stronge woman (: and I admire all you did! It had to be tough knowing something was wrong and then having a doctor tell you that you had cancer. My grandma passed away, they found Cancer from head to toe, after going to the hospital over ten times within a year and they "said" noting was wrong till it was to late. It broke my heart and made me lose all my faith on doctors and etc. I felt like I was going to die without her, my mom still grieves because of it till this day! I never thought it could happen to my family especially my grandma the main one in my family that had my back and I will never forgive the doctors for it! You are very lucky and stronge and I am happy to see you have your life back and I will def keep you in my prayers and no matter what -- keep that head up and never let anyone tell you cant!

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Anna said...

My name is Anna Ritoch, and I am a senior in high school. I have a blog called Get Through it Together. It is a starting point for brain tumor patients and gives them a path to follow as they go through their journey. And yes, it is a journey. You do not know what is going to happen with a brain tumor. So I want to be there to help them.

I created the blog based on a family experience. In 1993, my sister was diagnosed with a grade III oligodendroglioma that formed itself on her brain stem, the part that connects the spine and the brain. Every doctor said that she was not going to survive, and if she did she would be in diapers and incapable of taking care of herself for the rest of her life. However, three tumor resections, ten surgeries, a VP shunt placement and 5200 centigrays of stereotactic radiotherapy later my sister is tumor free and very capable.

Please check out my blog:

Anonymous said...

I kicked Cancer's Ass ! Today is Free your cancer day! I am done with chemo. I BEAT Breast Cancer! I too have been doing a blog for the past year of my fight, but only stumbled across yours today. Thank you! Congratulations to you and thank you for fighting!
Sincerely, Robin.

tracy.rose@healthline.com said...

Hi Meaghan,

Healthline is interested in contributing a guest post to cancerlost.blogspot.com. We would be open to contributing any blog that would be of interest to your readers. Healthline bloggers have been featured on a variety of sites including:

Washington Times: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tango-mind-and-emotion/2012/aug/10/how-healthy-choices-easy/
Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/036515_diabetes_strawberries_prevention.html
Patch.com: http://strongsville.patch.com/blog_posts/where-and-what-to-eat-in-cleveland-to-beat-the-winter-blues

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Warm Regards,

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