If you read my last post you saw that I have a professor who is battling cancer. I regret to tell you that today she died. This has come as a total shock. I am devastated! When I got to school today someone asked me if I had ever had Professor Aleong., if I knew her. Of course I said yes I did and that yes I knew she was sick. You see Stephanie was a very private woman. This is why I never mentioned her name or went into details about her on my blog. Not many people even knew she had cancer. So when a fellow student approached me and asked if I knew Professor Aleong I figured they just figured out she had cancer. I was wrong! The student frankly told me, "she died".
Panick, that was the first emotion I had. Absolute, utter panick. Then I started hyperventilating. I totally lost it, in front of everyone. You see Stephanie was the first person I met who was battling cancer. She was young like me, a lawyer, a fighter. As many of you know cancer can be a very lonely experience. You may be surrouneded by friends and family who love you but they don't, they can't understand what it is like to be a cancer fighter.
Stephanie was someone i looked up to, she inspired me. led me through a difficult time and was so full of life. She recently sent me an email and in the end she said: "I will beat this, I just know I will" Whe I read this I felt she would too. How could she not she was so strong, much stronger than me and I beat my battle.
Just yesterday I brought the Hope Box that Angie made at Nana's box to her secretary. She was going to mail it out to Stephanie today. I don't know what else to say I am just so sad!
So sorry for your lost! I will keep her and her family in my prayers.
Much Love
Oh such sad news. Prayers to her family and friends.
Im so sorry to hear of your loss..Her life touched you and made your life richer...Make her passing mean something...Do something that will help you have closure....My prayers are with you and her family,friends and students...Meme
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I will be praying for her family and especially you as you deal with this difficult loss.
Meaghan, I'm so sorry to hear of this loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and her loved ones.
Oh, honey, I am so sorry. It just hurts I know. Take care of yourself. Thoughts and prayers to all.
Oh no, I am so sorry. Sending you lots of hugs.
Oh Meaghan I am so incredibly sorry. I know this is a devastating loss. You and your professor's family are in my prayers.
so, so sorry to hear about the loss of your mentor and friend. hugs and prayers
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you & her loved ones. Just know that she is still with you in spirit encouraging you all the time.
Sorry for you loss..
:( I am sorry to hear that. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.
Words can not express how sorry I am for your loss. I hope her memory always brings your hope and happiness in your own life. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in this great loss.
I'm so, so sorry. ((hugs))
I'm so sorry, Meaghan. :-(
I am SO sorry. That is so difficult.
Oh Meaghan I am so sorry.
Hugs to you and know that you and your professor's family are in my thoughts.
I am so sorry for your loss. I'll say a prayer for you and for her family and those close to her as well. I've never lost anyone really close to me, especially someone who was close to me through something like cancer! Big hugs coming your way!
I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss.
I don't blame you for panicking.
It just hits a little too close to home.
It's hard, very hard to hear about someone so young passing on.
My heart goes out to you and her family during this very sad and difficult time.
Hugs and prayers to all.
That is terribly sad, but you must have faith! Every case is different and you're the "Ass-kicker" right?
You WILL survive.
So, calm yourself - drink some tea, listen to some nice music and if you're a believer, give thanks for having known her and pray that she goes to a better place. Then, be thankful for your continuing health and trust it will be alright.
Im so very sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry. That is devastating. Sending hugs and prayers your way...
Oh sweetie! Take that attitude of hers, learn even more from it. Know that now you have yet another guardian angel/cheerleader for you!
Prayers sent your way!
Matthew 11:28-30 - Come unto me, all you that Labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Oh, Meaghan. I'm so sorry.
If you're wondering in your heart if you should still have the box sent--I think you should. I think that the family will know exactly what to do with it.
I'm so sorry for your lost! XOXO
i am so sorry for your loss. prayers ascending...
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry to hear this.
The girls from SITS suggested I check out your site since it has a great message and because, frankly, it isn't a mommy blog. There's nothing wrong with mommy-bloggin' of course but as a childless singleton I was starting to feel I was within a small minority in the blogosphere.
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I write about loss on my site, specifically the loss regarding suicide but I do have some wonder links to Grief Support sites AND a few posts, when you are ready, that may put a small smile on your face.
Cancer is heinous. I've known people who have lost their battle is it is VERY sad.
Kudos to you for kicking cancer's ass!! ROCK ON! You've got a great attitude and you are an inspiration.
You help lend hope to people that may have lost it and that is a WONDERFUL gift.
As you carry on your mission here you will honor your dear friend, your new angel.
With deepest sympathy and heartwarming support,
Oh Meaghan.
I'm so very sorry.
Oh my goodness! I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you.
((gentle hugs)) Meaghan. I am truly sorry for your loss.
So sad. Sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to all her friends and family.
Sweets, I am so sorry. What a loss a beautiful and talented you women.
My thoughts, prayers and hugs are with you.
Wanted to let you know I put up a new blog -- it is a prayer request blog -- some and check it out!
Much Love
What a beautiful woman she was! What a loss for us on earth, but what a beautiful angel now in heaven.
Hugs, prayers and love to you Meaghan!
I'm deeply sorry. She fought until the end, a wonderful example of never giving up. We all can learn from stong people like her.
Oh, boy. So sorry to hear this. Cancer just sucks.
I'm so sorry! You are in my thoughts.
So sorry to hear.
So sorry to hear another one is lost. She is beautiful. My mom works for Utah Cancer Specialist and becomes extremely close to each patient. It breaks my heart all the stories I hear. I dont know these incredible people but each one- just like you- has thouched me.
Meaghan - I gave you the BookWorm Award. Check out my blog for details. Thinking about you...
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Thinking of you and her family
I am so sorry for your news. Thank you for sharing, you're an inspiration.
Oh, I am so sorry. I will pray for her family and friends in this tough time. I am just now starting to read your blog, you will be in my prayers also. Stay strong.
Oh Meaghan your post made ME cry! I am so very sorry about you friend. How awful to find out just like that! Take care and my thoughts are with you.
Oh Meaghan, I am SO sorry for your loss. This is just extremely sad. Keeping her family and friends and you in my prayers.
I am so sorry...I can understand how you must be feeling; not only your loss but the fact that she also had cancer. I wish I had words to help, but instead I can just {{{hug}}}. I know the virtual ones aren't the same, but the thought is there. By the way, you are a very special person and I am so glad you blog.
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