I will be graduating from law school in a month! This is an unbelievable accomplishment for me. Most of you know I was diagnosed with 3b cervical cancer during my second year of law school. Told I only had a 20% chance of surviving I knew I would never be able to finish law school. Even if I survived I couldn't imagine going back after surviving something as devastating and paralyzing as Cancer.
I did return to law school only 6 months after diagnosis and one month after being cleared of cancer. It was a difficult journey however, nothing could compare the difficulties I endured fighting cancer. Now I am proud to say that I am only a month away from accomplishing something that seemed unaccomplishable.
I've decided to have a little graduation party and was wondering if any of you creative gals had some good ideas for the party. I am having a HUGE party in Massachusetts after I take the bar but I felt like I should also have one after my actual graduation (in FL). So any creative ideas would be greatly appreciated :)
Also, we have a great special going on at Get The Bean. Buy 3 lbs of coffee and we will give you a sample bag of our Pumpkin Spice!
And....if you want to help me raise money to fight cancer check out our charity Coffee
FINALLY finished off the Folgers and started on my new bag of GTB. Mmmmm.
YAY YOU! Congrats!
Congratulations!! I am constantly thinking up party themes (and never get around to hosting a party!) so I will think up some ideas and send them your way :) CONGRATS!!
oooh! congratulations, meaghan!!! you absolutely deserve a party- what a feat!
I think you should have a "bar" party. Coffee bar, alcohol bar (if you drink), dessert bar, etc.
Congratulations! You are amazing!!!!
You should just totally walk around with a taperecorder and sporadically play the Law and Order DOINK! DOINK! after you complete a sentence. :)
Happy early congrats!!
Congratulations!!!! You're amazing! Come check me out I'm on my 100th and I'm doing a giveaway!!!
that is amazing!!! congrats to you, dear lady!!! :)
I am glad you share your story here. There are many woman who would be inspired by you.
Congrats on completing school! Thats so exciting!
Congratulations!! I am so proud of you and everything you stand for.
I don't have any party ides at the moment.
!!! yaaayyyyyy!!! congratulations!!! i don't have any party ideas, but i like tiffany t's idea about the DOINK DOINK. hmmmm.... tiki theme is always a safe bet. i've never met a tiki i didn't like. i found a shell store in a beach town here in san diego. pretty inexpensive to do a beach theme.
YAY!!!! What a feat! CONGRAT'S on finally being done!
I hope you have a fabulous party!
"Nana's Box"
P.S. got the juice in the mail! LOVE IT! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
YEAH!! Congrats! I wish I had some fun ideas. Im not so good at that. Its so amazing what you have accomplished and I admire you so much. What a wonderful person you are!
Congratulations Meaghan!!! You are such an inspiration to so many of us!
I don't have any party ideas either, but I wanted to say the coffee is AMAZING!! I've even gotten the guys at work hooked on my "fru-fru" coffee.
congrats! almost there! :)
My husband is an attorney so I know law school isn't a walk in the park.
Congratulations! Now you get to study for the bar exam. Yeah!
Im not creative, but wanted to say congratulations!!!
Congrats M!
All that you have accomplished is just awesome!!
Praise Him for Graduation and Health!!
Yeah!!! Congratulations! That's a HUGE accomplishment!
I only have ideas for kids parties. You into Transformers?
Congrats on finishing law school- that's some tought schooling!! So that's awesome that you're completing it. I would say hit up Nina Knows Best.....her link is on my blog....she seems to have the "in" on party throwing.
First of all congratulations!! That is inspiring to me because I am in school and going through treatment at the same time. It can be done! I was wondering if you could send me some HPV information. I am including it in a project on diseases of the reproductive system. Thought you would be a great source =)
Congratulations! That is awesome. My cervical cancer awareness post is up!
you truly rock my face off... what am awesome girl with an awesome story... you are going to do great in life....
COngrats! That is such an AWESOME accomplishment!
CONGRATS!!! you are such an inspiration
You, girly, are amazing.
A cancer survivor AND a law school graduate/future lawyer...I've been reading your blog and it's inspirational and educational. Thank you for being so open.
Not sure if I have any party ideas, but I love the 'bar' theme and of course the Law & Order music! I would be carrying a tape recorder everywhere I went. LOL
Thanks for commenting my blog - anytime you're in So Cal, you have a standing invite!
Congratulations! Whatever party you have, I know you'll have fun!
Congratulations!!!! I know that must feel so great!
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