Dear Cancer

Dear Cancer:

HA! You did not win. You challenged me to a war and I persevered. So many battles have been fought between you and I. Some battles I have lost, too many. Some battles I won too though. Blood, tears, sweat all poured onto our battle fields creating a mixture that smelled of death. But I did not die. NO. I grew so much stronger, something you never expected from me.

I want to thank you dear Cancer. Thank you for showing me all the things I am capable of. Thank you for introducing me to death so that I can truly understand life. Thank you for the knowledge of true pain, now I can handle anything. You thought all these things were your weapons against me but they turned on you. Death and Pain made me grow stronger and become fearless!

Now I challenge you dear friend. I will fight you for as long as I live. All those who you have challenge are banning together to form the strongest army you could ever imagine. We have taken your weapons of death, fear, pain and sorrow and have molded them into our own. They make us strong with every day that passes.

We are coming Cancer, oh yes we are! We are strong, so much stronger than you could ever be. We are alias introduced to each other by our common enemy, YOU! Cancer your days are numbered because, we are always training to fight you. It will be soon and you will fall and your fall will raise us so high!

Help me with my battle against cancer by voting for my blog. My blog is the only cancer blog in the running but I need so many more votes to win. If my blog wins it will bring much needed attention to Cancer, Cervical Cancer to be specific! Thanks so much


Karol said...

Always keep whooping ass and taking names! You are one strong, amazing woman.

*hugs* from a fellow SITSta

Dr. Wifey said...

Wow! what a powerful letter!

Gaspegirl said...

Great letter, well said!

Make it a great day!

Rhonda said...

Well said!!!

And good for you!

Unknown said...

I'm so excited that you're in the "five above" that I get to comment on! :) Love ya, Meghan and hope you're feeling better! Happy SITS Friday!

Megan said...

There should be a 'letter to cancer' box at every hospital.. like letters to santa lol

<3 stay strong meggers!

Anonymous said...

My Hero... you are an amazing woman! Your words are powerful! I love you, your cousin, Michelle

litanyofbritt said...

this was a remarkable post. thank you for sharing it

Khadra said...

Dear Meaghan,

I think you are unbelievable and a great inspiration to us all :)


Diane said...

That was a fabulous post, Meaghan! Very powerful words & so eloquently put!

Jen Sue Wild said...

You Rock My friend!!

Obsessedwithlife said...

Great post-I will put this on my blog tomorrow and encourage people to vote :).


jahowie said...

This is a great post. We are some bad mo-fo's. :-)

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting and telling your story. You are such an inspiration.

I left something for you on my blog. I think it is well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Dear Meaghan,

I was introduced to your blog through your cousin Michelle, and having been reading it all afternoon. There are no words for your extraordinary experience...

The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them. ~Stephen King


Unknown said...

Hey Meaghan, I've visited you before! Hope you are hangin' seems like you are one tough bitch (sorry, swearing is part of my every day vocab!) Thanks for your inspiration...and for visiting my part of the blogosphere:)

Unknown said...

it's funny that i wrote a letter for todays post...because i wasn't planning to. it wasn't until this afternoon that i visited SITS and saw that it was letter day...and i posted another letter from before because i thought it was better. Too funny!

Sandi said...

that is so freaking awesome girl. :) I loved it! I've voted for you. I'll see if I can vote again.

jmt said...

Hey Meaghan - I left you an award on my blog. :)

Crista said...

Lets keep fighting to find a cure! We will show it the door and tell it to get lost forever! You are my hero!

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

cancer sucks no doubt about it and I looking forward to the day that it is obliterated! Happy SITS day!

from a fellow cancer survivor,

HiHoOhio said...

I cut my hair, check it out.....!!!!

Swirl Girl said...

I always thought the "c" word was the ugliest word in english language...and it certainly is!

you rock!

Pseudo said...

Very power post. goose bumps even.

Tracy P. said...

That is fabulous! Great job on your letter--thanks for stopping by mine. Hope you're soon feeling much better.

Aunt Julie said...

What an amazing post...good for you! Hey there, SITSta! Gotta Super-Duper Giveaway that's Goin' On over at my place...please stop by when you have the chance!