Today I am finally going to catch up with this week. I have been crazy busy launching Get The Bean setting up our Giveaway putting up new stories for our fundraiser and studying for an Income Tax final I have on Wednesday. Oh yea and I did my first cancer walk! So now I am catching up with some of my the fun stuff I've been holding off on.
First things first...I WON AN AWARD!! Thank you a million to AVERY TALES for giving me the award! If you haven't checked out her blog you must. She is an amazing woman and mother. Please take a minute to go read her blog.
Here are the RULES for the Award:
*Mention the blog that gave you the reward and comment on there blog to let them know that you have posted there award. You also have to list 6 things you VALUE and 6 things you Don't VALUE. Lastly, you have to pass the award onto 6 other friends!
Six Things I Value:
- Support: without support I could do nothing. I didn't appreciate support until i was forced to rely on it. Now I understand that I am nothing without it. I have to say that SITS ladies are such wonderful supporters. Of course my family, friends and wonderful boyfriend!
- Prayer: before I was diagnosed with cancer I didn't give prayer that much value. However, when I was in the hospital with only a 20% chance of surviving thousands of people who didn't even know me prayed for me. This saved my life I am certain of it!
- Health: again something I didnt think about too much before I got sick. I put my health at the bottom of my to do list because I thought it would always be there. You MUST always value health because without you have nothing.
- Fun: You always need to have fun in your life. No matter how busy you are there has to be time for fun. Laughing is so wonderful for your health. If you have kids you have to teach them to have fun too! Its too easy to get lost in boredom or self pity.
- Anika: my little baby niece. She has brought so much joy into my life.
- Future: no matter how bad things get there is always tomorrow. When life is tough just think about what wonderful things can come in time.
- Greed: In these times I have been forced to notice that there is too much greed in our country.
- Passive Aggressiveness: I absolutely hate passive aggressive people and refuse to allow them into my life
- Mean Comments: I don't get it. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. I do not mind constructive criticism but hate just plane meanness
- Lies: Again, something I just do not get. I can handle the truth so don't waste my time with lies
- Jealousy: This is just a bad trate to have but one I think we all struggle with. I work on it daily.
- Having my feelings hurt: You would think I was a super strong gal after everything I have been through but I'm actually crazy sensitive....working on that too!
- Anissa over at Queen Bee She recently designed a couple of buttons for me and they are beyond cool. I emailed her and she responded so quickly, made the buttons and had them up within a couple hours! She is awesome and by the way....totally inexpensive. If I had know how inexpensive I would have had buttons made way sooner :)
- Nana's Box This is an awesome blog! She makes wonderful boxes for cancer patients. She made me one for my friend who is battling right now. I just got it in the mail and it is so beyond awesome!! Its hand made, gorgeous and there are tons of amazing quotes inside the box. Here is one of my favorites:
I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind
Some come form ahead and some come from behind
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me!
-Dr. Seuss
Some come form ahead and some come from behind
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me!
-Dr. Seuss
3. Yea, Yea Sure Youbetcha My new blogging buddy and she is great! Been a wonderful supporter and I love her blog. And, she has the cutest kitty Stella. Definitely check her out.
4. My Sister Arbra at Just Call Me Sleep Deprived She recently started blogging after watching me have all the fun. Her site is new but great. She writes honestly about her experience as a new mom and the struggles she is having with getting little Anika to sleep. Please stop by and say hi to her and maybe share some words of wisdom
5. ElleBee over at Musings of a Working Diva she has been a wonderful supporter of my new site and is anxiously awaiting our Cancer Charity. I just got our Get The Bean phone and took it to school with me. All of a sudden it rang!!! I didn't know what to do, totally wasn't expecting it. I answerd: Get The Bean How Can I Help You. On the other end was Ella who had such kind words for me :) Please check out her blog.
6. Pennies in My Pocket Just a great site. In times of economic troubles its wonderful to have a blog like hers that shares ways we can save $$ If you are interested in spending less money on great items you have to go to her blog!
Please check out my other blogs if you have a chance:
To enter our coffee GiveAway cick on the button (thanks Anissa!)

4. My Sister Arbra at Just Call Me Sleep Deprived She recently started blogging after watching me have all the fun. Her site is new but great. She writes honestly about her experience as a new mom and the struggles she is having with getting little Anika to sleep. Please stop by and say hi to her and maybe share some words of wisdom
5. ElleBee over at Musings of a Working Diva she has been a wonderful supporter of my new site and is anxiously awaiting our Cancer Charity. I just got our Get The Bean phone and took it to school with me. All of a sudden it rang!!! I didn't know what to do, totally wasn't expecting it. I answerd: Get The Bean How Can I Help You. On the other end was Ella who had such kind words for me :) Please check out her blog.
6. Pennies in My Pocket Just a great site. In times of economic troubles its wonderful to have a blog like hers that shares ways we can save $$ If you are interested in spending less money on great items you have to go to her blog!
Please check out my other blogs if you have a chance:
To enter our coffee GiveAway cick on the button (thanks Anissa!)
To Read our all the wonderful Cancer Stories or Share yours click the button below:
Visit Get The Bean:
Great list!
Congrats on your award.
Thanks you so much for the award! I will post about it today!
Congrats on your award! Love reading your list!
I have your store button on my site and it works -- check the one on your site! Copy that code to make them link back. -- If you need help let me know! Much Love
popped over from pennies in my pocket...was here looking for the self esteem post you linked up over there. doesn't look like you have it posted yet, so i guess i will just come back later.
SWWWEEEETTTT!!!! Thanks for the award! I am excited to pass it on!
P.S. LOVE the new buttons!
What a great award and list!
Thanks for stopping by the other day. I am (still) trying to catch up but I am bookmarking your other sites so I can read your story.
Congrats on your award. :)
Hey, I passed on an award to you too!!! What goes around comes around!
you've been so busy! congratulations on your award and opening your store. How awesome for you!!!!
Congratulations on your award! And I am so happy - you kicked cancer's ass!
Those are great values.
Awesome list!! And congrats on the award. Aren't they fun?
Thanks for stopping by today and giving me kind words of encouragement and support! You sound very positive, and yet have been through so much yourself! I'll need to get me some of that positive attitude!
Thanks again!
Oh, and I hope you'll stop by again sometime. I'm not always such a downer!
Hi there! Thanks for your comment- I'll have to check it out! I hope you are feeling well!! I have ulcerative colitis and you can check out my donor walk site at: www.cctakesteps.org/goto/meghan
I look forward to reading your blog!
I always read you now on google reader, but I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog. You deserve an award!
I love your list! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I will mos. def. be getting involved in the giveaway. I am looking forward to being BF's ;) I am going to add you to my list of blogs! Have a great day!
Congrats on the award! What a great list! And thanks for stopping by! Hope you come back by--I know I will be back!
Congrats on the cool blogger award. You deserve it! :)
Congrats!! I am so excited about the Bean. I am heading over there right now!
Some how I missed the fact that you were opening a coffee shop! Congratulations! How exciting! Can't wait to head over and check it out. I love some good coffee.
So glad that you stopped by my blog! Nice to meet you! You sound like an amazing woman! Congrats on launching your new venture. I hope you're wildly successful!
Wow..I loved you list! You are inspiring!
-Sandy Toes
I loved your Values list, but then again I knew I would. Isn't it amazing how life can teach us about what's truly most important. I have a whole new appreciation for faith and quality family time since my journey began two years ago.
Anyway, I've got to enter the giveaway and buy some coffee. I'm a bit of a coffee junkie, so I'm naturally pumped about your new online store.
Thanks for the gracious comments!
Thanks so much for the award! You are too sweet! Congrats on your SITS mention as well. :)
WOW Awesome list. Congrats oin the award... I am new to your blog but i am converted into a regular. love it
Congrats on your award! BTW, I tagged you on my blog. Stop by and check it out.
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