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HERESo I won a couple of awards and it totally made my weekend. As most of you know I lost someone very special, the world did actually! Its been a rough week but all your kind comments and thoughts have meant so much.
First: My other Blog:
GTB FIGHTS CANCER won an award. I only post Cancer Stories on that blog so i am posting about it here...I will be putting the award up on that blog though. This award was given to me by Chronic Chic, thank you so much for the support! Fighting cancer is a tough journey. Telling others about our journey is even more difficult so I thank you on behalf of all the brave people who have shared their stories on

On behalf of GTB Fights Cancer I am giving this award to the following blogs:
Afro She posted
her fathers story on GTB Fights cancer. I encourage you to visit her blog and read her story on GTB Fights Cancer
Healthy Lindsay She posted her story on GTB Fights cancer as well. Please stop by and read her about
her journey with SarcomaOur Piece of Quiet Stephanie posted her husband's story on GTB Fights cancer. Please stop by her blog and come by GTB Fights Cancer to read about her
husbands journey with LymphomaThe second Award I was given is the Kreativ Blogger.
DysFUNctional Mom gave me the award, thank you!!!

I have to tell you some things that make me happy so here it goes:
-Being A Cancer Survivor (I have to be thankful every day for my triumph)
-Friends (I would be nothing without them)
-Bryan (He is such a great boyfriend and supporter)
-The Ocean (so soothing and therapeutic)
-Mia (She is such a good doggie and friend)
Here are the blogs I am passing this along to:
Avery Tales: I just love this blog and the woman behind it!
Queen Bee Creations: Anissa is so creative and she designed our blog at
Get The BeanNobody-But-Yourself: Heather's blog is beautiful, I just love the layout!! She is a blogaholic like me and a great write :)
Life, Liberty & the Pursuit... I always enjoy reading this blog!
And the final Award I was given from Angie over at
Nana's Box
“This blog invests and believes, in ‘proximity’ [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' - being close through proxy]. These blogs are all charming and they aim to show the marvels of friendship. Let’s give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to eight bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text."
Don't you just love these spanish awards that are going around? =)
Since this award is for charming and unselfish people I pass it onto the following blogs. Make sure stop by and say Hello! Tell them Meaghan sent ya!
Yeah, sure, you betchaDiapers and DeadlinesTattooed Minivan MomMe and The Blue Skies