Dr. Harald zur Hausen for discovering the cervical cancer comes from HPV. I hope that this Nobel Prize award helps bring awareness to cervical cancer. Dr. Harald zur Hausen also won the award for his work related to HIV. Please take a minute to read the article and share your thoughts. If you are a women, have a loved one who is a women etc...this is something that affects you! HPV is extremely common and easily transmitted. The more you know the more you can protect yourself and loved ones.
Hi Megan - I'm glad you came over to visit my blog so that I could be linked back to yours. I went back and read some of your earliest blog entries. I am impressed by your strength. I agree with you how important it is to shed a light on cervical cancer. :) I actually need to write a letter to my colon due to the fact I'm at high risk due to my mom having colon cancer 10 years ago. Hugs and congrats on almost finishing law school!
:::stands up and claps with joy::::
Strong woman! You battle well, use your knowledge as your strength. Keep getting the word out and blogging along with all of us.
You have alot to do as you become that special Aunt to your niece.
It is a fun role enjoy playing!
Thanks for sharing this article. You really have a remarkable story! Hey, thanks for helping me celebrate my SITS Featured Blogger Day in the Sun! Hope you come back soon to visit me...we always have a lot going on at my place!
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