As most of you know I was in law school when I got my cancer diagnosis. Specifically I was in the first couple weeks of my second year second semester. I remember feeling so horrible yet making it to class. I found out later that I had a ripped open kidney, gut filled with fluid and a huge tumor-NO WONDER I WASN'T FEELING WELL! Obviously I took a medical withdrawal and began my fight against cancer.
After my treatments were over I decided to go right back to law school. Why you might ask? Cancer ripped through my life and stole a lot, more than I can put down into words. There was no way in hell I was going to let cancer take being a lawyer from me! I thought if I waited too long I would never return so I hopped back on the law school wagon the following semester. I know crazy right? I almost died of cancer yet only missed one semester. Anyway, the point is when I returned I was no longer with my class.
Most people think of law school and law school students as super competitive. Hiding books, sabotaging each other etc...This was not my experience. I loved my class. They were more than just colleagues, they were my dearest friends. We laughed together, cried, studied, stressed, celebrated, vented etc...I never imagined that law school would bring me some of the best friends I have ever known.
When I was gone my law school friends supported me tremendously. The sent me things daily, cards, flowers, gifts etc...The student body & faculty got together and did two separate fund raisers for me. They had purple bracelets with my name made & did a fashion show, raising money to help me pay my medical bills not covered by insurance. These people made it possible for me to recover and return to law school.
So its an understatement when I say I am beyond proud and happy that they all graduated and passed the bar. The bar results came in on Monday and last night they were all sworn in! I would be lying if I told you it didn't pull at my heart a bit that I couldn't experience this with them. Before I got sick I often imagined our graduation parties, studying for the bar together and celebrating our victories. Now I am standing on the sideline proudly watching but not there with them. I know my day will come that is not what its about. I wanted to share my day with them. These men and women are a part of who I am, what I have been through and future. I probably wouldn't have realize how important sharing the experience with my friends was if I wasn't in my current position.
Congratulations dearest friends! Congratulations on all you have accomplished, all you will and what wonderful people you are! I love you with all with all my heart and you will never know how important each of you has been in my life. Know that I am so proud of you and even prouder to be your friend. Go out and kick some butt, you will all be successful at whatever you do.
Lots of love

As a law school and bar exam survivor, my best wishes to your friends as well...but you'll be there soon enough, even if you couldn't experience it at the same time :)
I'm doing an event for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month now at my blog; I just looked up and see that Cervical Cancer Awareness Month is January. If you'd be interested in getting together something to raise awareness and money, please let me know!
Uh, that should be I just looked up Cervical Cancer Awareness Month...I didn't just look up into the air and had the answer waiting for me ;)
Congrats to all of your friends.
Next time it will be you.
You are such a fighter I am proud of you.
And someday you will do the same! I just know it!!
It sounds like you are a go getter, just look at the things you've already accomplished!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment it meant a lot!
Congratulations on returning to law school and passing the bar!
Graduation Sash
Thanks for the picture compliment - we're blessed to have talented friends who are photographers. =) Congrats on kicking cancer's ass. I'm going to have to stop back and read more!
I just stumbled upon your blog via Collage and am so glad. Thank you for your comment and now I plan on reading more about you and your fight...
Congrats to your friends! You are such an amazing person.
You are very courageous! That's great that you are continuing law school and kicked cancer's butt!!
And that is one hell of an ass to must be one strong and amazing young woman. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog...I'm so pleased to have discovered yours. My son is in his first year of law school at UNC.
I wish you could've been right there with them but something tells me they will be right there cheering when it is your turn!
Thanks for visiting. Love your blog!
Your story is amazing and I plan on reading more. It must be tough not to graduate with your original class. One of those bittersweet moments in life.
Thank you so much for the comments on my blog.
Your story the little I first read in this post is absolutely amazing. I am so glad that you made it through, and although it sounds like you are still on the road to recovery with your life it looks like you have a great group of friends and support group.
I will definitely be back to read your complete story and your blog. My sister is a breast cancer survivor and I have great grandmothers that had cervical cancer. I'm proud to hear the words that come out of you and how strong you are. Keep the fight going.!!!
what an amazing and inspirational blog. thanks for sharing your story and world with us.
Thanks for your sweet comment!!! How'd you find my site?? It's amazing that you can be so positive. That takes a lot. Thanks!
Ey, nice work!
I just saw off a touch of cancer myself, got my eyebrows back the other day!!
I like your style.
Good luck.
P.S Although you're probably well sick of them I've also got a cancer blog.
I just love your blog! Thanks for all the cancer links.
*Go out and kick some butt, you will all be successful at whatever you do.*
Will do! :-)
-not a law school friend, but someone who needs the motivation anyway
YOU ARE AMAZING! Your strength courage, determination and spirit is soooo inspiring.
Standing on the sidelines, cheering your incredible "family" on...they will be there for you when your time comes.
As I write this that song just came on by Carrie Underwood, "I'll Stand By You"...WOW that was way cool!
Thank you for stopping by my blog...I will definitely be back to visit you!
It will soon be your turn. Congrats to your friends, that is a huge accomplishment. And a big WOO-hoo to you for making it through such a difficult health crisis.
I'm really glad you stopped by my blog. I came over tonight and have been reading your posts. I have a friend who is also a cervical cancer survivor. I'm curious how you feel about the Gardasil vax?
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