A Bit Outdated!

When I was having cancer treatments in 2007 I was handed a magazine similar to the one in the picture above. You may notice that Jen looks a bit younger in this picture and she is sporting that Jennifer Aniston hair cut, never mind that she is being referred to as "Friends" Jennifer Aniston. Well if you couldn't tell this magazine is from 1996.  It doesn't take a math genius to figure out this magazine is a bit outdated and so was the one handed to me while I awaited radiation treatments.

At first I was really confused, I was on a ton of drugs, and then I started looking for the magazines date....1996!!!  At the time I was waiting for my treatments on a stretcher and couldn't get up to ask someone so I started calling for a nurse. "What is with the magazine from over 10 years ago", I asked.  The nurse took the magazine from me and looked at it closely. She assured me that there was no reason behind handing me such an old magazine and that she simply took it from the stack they had. 

My next thought was, "at least people don't take magazines from radiation waiting rooms". What reminded me of this event was a post someone wrote about what to do with magazines. I suggest that people donate any magazines they have read and are thinking of throwing away to cancer centers. Apparently they are in great need of them, and not the ones you had when you were in high school please :)


Dennis Pyritz, RN said...

Happy New Year! I am working on improving my blogroll- Cancer Blogs - at Being Cancer Network where your own blog is presently listed. One of the things I want to do is to improve the 800 blog entries, making them more useful for readers.

Check to see if information is correct. Please let me know your specific cancer diagnosis - the medical term. Also the year you were diagnosed and anything else you think is relevant for the listing such as a transplant. If you have written a book or memoir, I can feature it in a special Cancer Book List section. Please include the name of your blog in the email so I can put the information in the correct listing.

It would also really, really help if you could let me know of any cancer blogs that are not on my list. Thanks in advance.

Cancer Blogs I & II has been a very popular (over 8000 visits) and valuable resource for folks. It allows people to view what others with a similar diagnoses have gone through. And it brings additional attention and traffic to survivor’s blogs. It is helping to build a strong, vibrant community of survivors.

Please consider adding Being Cancer Network to your blogroll if you have not already done so. I am now following you on Blogged.

Please see my January 10 post - New Year’s New Face - for additional changes in the website. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.

Dennis Pyritz, RN
leukemia & transplant survivor


Nicholas Hare said...


My name is Nicholas Hare, and I am the Public Awareness Director for PleuralMesothelioma.com. While I was browsing through a number of medical and cancer sites, I came across your website and was very impressed by the information you have listed.

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of mesothelioma, a rare cancer that develops in the lungs. It is almost solely caused by exposure to asbestos, which was used in everything in children’s toys, house-hold insulation, and naval carriers. Our website has the most up to date and comprehensive information about Pleural Mesothelioma on the web today. With information ranging from a complete list of symptoms, to treatment options, and steps to take after a diagnosis.

I noticed that you already had some other cancer related resources listed on your resources page at cancerlost.blogspot.com/2007/11/links.html and figured you might be interested in including a link to our site as well. Please let me know if you are interested - I'm available by e-mail at nhare(@)pleuralmesothelioma.com. With your help, we can educate the public about the dangers of asbestos and hopefully save some lives. Thanks again!

Best Regards,

Nicholas Hare
Public Awareness Director