So much has happened in the last two years. One minute i was a "regular" person in law school living life as most people do. Then I was a person with cancer, fighting for my life. Now here I am cancer free and living a completely different life than I ever expected.
I have worked so hard throughout my fight with cancer. Chemo, various types of radiation, more surgeries than I can count, law school, the Bar exam, having a kidney removed, Spirit Jump, Get The Bean....Often people tell me how proud they are and wonder how I was able to accomplish so much. The answer is so simple that sometimes it evades me. I saw my life slipping away, I looked at death and thought it won, I never thought I would see my 30th birthday, graduation or becoming a lawyer.
I fought like hell to beat cancer and then I just couldn't stop fighting. I fought to re-claim my life, to have all those things that once seemed impossible. My fight with cancer hasn't stopped and I doubt it ever will. A fire was ignited in me and each day it grows.
I AM A SURVIVOR! I am a woman who fought cancer and after that I know there is nothing I can't do. The cancer might come back someday but if it does I will be fighting. Each morning I wake up its my day, im alive and ready to take on any challenge that comes my way.
Great post and I'm glad you survived to tell your story and spread awareness. You are a strong woman!
Yes ... great post!
Cancer, take on Meaghan again at your own risk, cause SHE KICKED YOUR SORRY ASS!
I know you have been through some horrific things, things that no one would choose. But you played that hand that you were dealt, survived it, and learned and grew from it. Well done. No one would choose cancer, but for those of us who had it, being cancer survivors is just part of who we are. Art
You're attitude is so inspiring. If everyone looked at life like you do imagine what we could all accomplish! I'm sure your viewpoint helped you through it all and you are such a role model. SO happy for you. -Loren
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