The SITStas have been amazing! I am fairly new to the blogging community but thanks to SITS I have been learning quickly. As many of you know I was diagnosed with 3b cervical cancer in 2007 when I was 28. Now I am 30 and cancer free- WOOHOO! SITS has really helped me spread cancer awareness. I have been able to help other women through this blog by getting my blog recognized. Nana's Box featured my story on her Nonprofit blog, SITS featured me as a saucy blog and so many others commented on my posts! With the help of all these wonderful bloggers I have been able to bring awareness to a disease that affects so many women. THANKS SITSAS!!
Here are only a few of the many Blogs I follow:
Just Call Me Sleep Deprived
Nana's Box
Pennies in My Pocket
Avery Tales
The Fam Five
4 Pampered Paws
Putting the Fun in DysFUNctional
Queen Bee Creations
Dear Alison
Keeper of The Skies Wife
I wish I could list everyone! You have all been so supportive and I appreciate all the wonderful comments :) Also, thank you all for sharing your stories with me!

Hey Meghan thanks for stopping by Ellyphant! Congrats on being cancer free your story is amazing!! XOXO
Morning Sis :)
I think it is great that spreading awareness is so important to you! Thanks for what you do for us women...
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Off to check out your list of favorite blogs!
Thanks for linking my site! You should also come visit me at my main blog http://homeschoolinginlouisiana.blogspot.com
Much Love
Good Morning! Thanks for stopping by earlier!
I'm so glad I found your blog thru SITS. You have been such an inspiration! Thanks for spreading the awareness around!
Great list! I like your new picture!
Happy SITs blogathon day!
Hey! Thanks for the little shout out and for the sincere comment. YOU are an inspiration to me!! You have such an amazing spirit. Oh, and I listed you as well on my blog-a-thon post. ;)
Good luck to you, too! Happy SITS blogathon day :-)
I just started peeking around on there last night. What a great site!
Looking forward to going through your list! Thanks for the great reads!
Hey, hapy blogathon day! I have been here a few times. I linked you to my page. I love your story and your mission.
Happy Blog-a-thon!
I'm glad you're cancer free! Popping by Krazy Armstrong.
Thanks for stopping by my site. You have an amazing story! Glad that your are a survivor and that you are taking the time to help others. That's awesome!
Wow. Thank you so much for the shout out! I m so happy you are enjoying my blog. I throughly enjoy your blog! It is very inspirational!
I have been on vacation and will be returning tomorrow, so keep your eyes open for a new post!
Thanks again!!
Happy Blogathon Day! I love your blog and your layout is adorable!
Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me to SITS. You have a great blog with a great cause. Keep it up - we need more women like you!
Hey!! Thanks for the shout out! You rock!
I'm off to read this article you posted about....
SITS hates me :) I think I offended them in the beginning when I told them the blogs they listed under "saucy" weren't that saucy! lol ...it was when they first started and I was joking ...but they took it seriously.
Hey girl... thanks for popping by my blog, I am going to do the draw tomorrow for the RAK. Make it a great day!
Way to go in sticking in to cancer. I wish it was like that for everyone.
Anyhow have a wonderul Blogathon Day from one SITSta to another!
I love your blog You are such a strong woman!!
Happy Blogging!!
Happy Blogathon! Beautiful blog!
happy blogathon! I always love stopping by your blog :)
Meghan - your blog is great. I can't wait to read more!
Just spreading the bloggy love that is SITS! Hope you are having a great day! I look forward to reading more about you!
Happy SITS Day! I linked to you today.
Hi Meaghan!
I absolutely love all of the cancer inspired tattoos!
and the video of James made me speechless. There are no words. It makes me all the more grateful for my husband and kids. Thank you for sharing them with me.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Happy SITSathon
Just stopping in to say hello. Isn't this SITS thing fun?!
I'm WOOOHOOOing with you about being CANCER FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! If my smiles gets any bigger, my face is going to fall off!!
Thank you SO much for listing my blog! I'm totally blushing! I feel so honored!
Happy Blogathon Day!
Happy Blogathon day!!! Listed you in my fave five. Since finding you on SITS i have caught up on your story and I would like to say "Wow, you are amazing!" Keep up the great informational work on your blog!
hmmm...to many exclamation points? I think not. Have some more!!!!!! :)
How am I just discovering you?! You are super cute and obviously one kick ass girl. I am off to read more of your story. Thanks for stopping by today!
Thank you so much for the recognition! I love your blog.
Thanks for the shout out!!!
Looks like I missed a busy day. I hated it that I couldn't blog at work.
congrats on the JD! wow, you are an inspiration...so glad you visited my blog :)
I'm so glad you are a SURVIVOR!! It's great to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog.
I'm glad you kicked it's ass! Good for you!
Happy Blogathon Day and thanks for visiting my blog also :-)
Of COURSE I'm going to spotlight your blog! I love it!
Now go out there and raise some more cancer awareness, will ya? : )
Happy SITS day! I have been here before and will be back!
Nice to meet you! It's great to have a community and this blogging community is AMAZING!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
You are such an inspiration. Such an amazing story of courage.
Thanks for the welcome to SITS. Your blog is so inspiring.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. My boys are great, that is so them. I tell them to be good and pose nice, then I'll take a silly one, and that's what I get. They did do one nice one though. I have others sometime I'll post some of them. My Owen has one he did this past week that makes me cringe it is so strange.
HAPPY SITS blog-a-thon day!!! Congrats on kicking Cancers butt.
Hugs, Amy ;)
Love and hugs from Georgia,
Once again I stumble upon your beautiful blog and am so happy to be here!
My best friend's dad passed away this weekend from cancer related problems. Just another reminder to live each day to the fullest.
Have a great rest of your week!
Meghan, thanks for the comment! This has been such an awesome day!
thanks for stopping by my blog. very nice to meet you!
Thank you for sharing your story. Your courage is truly admirable.
hey lady! love your blog! i even linked you as one of my 5 SITS blogs! :)
You are awesome for kicking cancer's butt! I'm impressed. I'm glad you found SITS and the wonderful women there. They're so supportive and fun. And I follow a few of the blogs you've mentioned. I'll try to check out the others.
Happy SITS day!!
Hey, Hope you had a Happy SITS day!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was so glad to see you! I sent your blog to both of my sisters and we had a great convo about HPV thanks to you! I have you on my blog roll so I'll be back.
Awesome blog!!! Cheers to that!
Happy Blogathon SITSA ;)
Hi...I just saw you stopped by one of my blogs - 7 days ago!! (see this is what happens when I don't moderage comments...ugh)
Thanks for visiting - I am definitely finding I have more focus in my day-to-day with these goals - something to do in my free time.
Happy SITSathon Meaghan. Thanks for stopping by and showing some comment lovin!!!!
Great blog! I look forward to reading more!
Thanks, I love yours too!
Yours is so informative and really helps people! I'm definitely going to send people to your blog if they ever have any cancer questions or just want to read a really inspirational blog!
I'm sure I'll have some in the future!
So glad you stopped by and found my blog through SITS! Your story is amazing and inspirational. You are brave to share your story and to help educate others about cervical cancer.
Whew, today was some crazy fun, wasn't it?!??!
Hey! thanks for stopping to see me during the SITS blogathon. :) You've got a great blog and I think you and your story is fantastic. Thanks for sharing it!!
Great list...I visit a bunch of those you suggested! Your blog is amazing and so inspirational and informative!
Thanks for stopping by today. I read your profile and what an amazing story you have. I have a friend who is going through radiation to fight breast cancer and she is new to blogging. I will pass your blog address on to her in hopes she can link up with other cancer survivors.
Thanks for the comment! I've been reading a little of your story. And I must say, hats off to you! You seem to be a lot stronger than I would be in that situation. So glad that you are here to spread the word!
What an inspiring story you have to share!
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the Blogosphere today! This has been fun!
Hey M,
thanks for stopping by my blog. Yeah, I love that green and purple stuff too.
Congrats on kicking cancers' ass. You totally ROCK!!!
Come back soon, I will continue to visit your site.
Thanks for visiting me last night! Stink is actually a boy--I know, we are getting him a hair cut this weekend, but don't feel bad! I think he is adorable too!!
Your story is amazing and inspiring. I went through some pre- cervical cancer treatment in my early twenties...likely due to one of the strains of HPV. Hadn't even HEARD of the thing, didn't know cervical cancer existed, and was terrified! Had a few minor treatments (compared to Chemo), and haven't had an issue since.
Now if we can just get young women to stop putting themselves in harms way by being well educated...and encourage vaccination.
Thanks for stopping by!
your story is inspirational! Just wanted to stop and say Hi!
Thanks for stopping by my site with commnet love. As I was looking through sites during the blogathon, your site was everywhere. What an inspiration you are.
Thanks for stopping by yesterday!
I am off to read your amazing story.
Just wanted to give you a SITS shout out. You have such an inspirational story.
Watched just a few minutes of the surgery before realizing that it's a good thing I quit nursing school before we got to the gross stuff. LOL It is interesting, I'm so glad medical advancements allow for this type of surgery!
Isn't SITS awesome?? Thanks for stopping by! :) Can't wait to come back when I have some more time and check out your spot. Enjoy your day!
Hey Girl!
I am so thrilled we have been able to help get your story out to those who need to hear it most!
You are such an inspiration and a warrior for this cause.
I look forward to watching your blog grow and grow!
Thank you so much for stopping by again! I love your new site and (as you probably figured out already) I do love coffee so I will be back! Also - I love the new blog. I've been trying to convince certain people in my life that coffee is not "bad" for you - but rather "good" for you (in moderation, of course). Hmmm...I may blog about this! Thanks again :)
Congratulations on Kicking cancer's butt! I think what you are doing to raise awareness is great and all three of your blogs look awesome! Good Luck on your new business!
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