Okay I have some very exciting news. I started a new blog called G.T.B Fights Cancer...What is this you might ask??? Twist my arm and maybe I'll tell ya....
Uncle uncle you win ill spill the beans. This is pretty cool, at least I think so. My boyfriend and I started a business called GET THE BEAN. We are selling awesome gourmet coffee :) Why coffee you may ask, because I LOVE it more than anything in the world. Seriously I do. I distinctly remember laying in my hospital bed day dreaming about being able to drink coffee again. So, we decided since we love it so much lets sell it.
What else does Meaghan love??? RAISING CANCER AWARENESS! Its kinda weird to think about because before I got sick I could never have imagined I would dedicate myself to this. I digress. Anyway I decided to combine the two things that make me happy these days, coffee and cancer awareness.
The GTB Fights Cancer blog is connected to our coffee website. Right now our coffee website is not up. We expect it will be in the next couple of days. When it is we are going to do a HUGE giveaway and then we will do giveaways every week. But that is in addition to our fundraising. If you want to check out our fundraising and find out how you can get $$$ from our coffee business to donate to the Cancer Charity of your choice stop by the new blog. We have instructions as well as my story. AND...we already have one story up!
Please check it out and let me know what you think!

That is such a good idea! Can't wait to check it out! Much Love
WOW, you are an amazing inspiration to so many...your story is very courage-ful! Thanks for all you do to bring hope to all who have had or will go through what you did!!!
Woo woo!!! I am on my way to check it out!!!
Bathtime and bed first for The Boys, but then I'll be back...
coffee? what kind(s) of coffee???
(ears perked)
I came by to thank you for stopping by my blog and to clue you in on Twilight... but before I do first things first. What an inspiring blog you have. You are making a real difference in the world and educating those of us who don't know much about cancer. I'm so happy that you are a survivor and that you are sharing your knowledge. Keep up the GREAT work!
Now, Twilight! Twilight is a series of books that are on the NY best sellers list, written by Stephenie Meyer. I'm half way through the 3rd book and I believe she is about to publish the 5th book. I didn't think I would love these books as much as I have, especially when I was told they are about vampires... and warewolves. Not my thing!!! But oh my work Stephanie has captivated me in her writing and I can't stop. Twilight is the name of the 1st book and the movie releases in theaters nationwide November 21. I can hardley stand the wait!!! These books are entertaining for young and old. The youngest person I've talked to that has read them is 12 and the oldest person was 42. So I hope that clears some things up for you and if you ever get the chance in your busy life, give 'em a try. They really are entertaining... otherwise just go see the movie with your girlfriends, it will prove to be a great girls night out. :) Best wishes & I look forward to reading more from your blog.
Thank's for stopping by my blog. Your story is awesome.
That´s a great idea! Hopefully it will be a success!
I lost a cousin to cervical cancer last year and I love that you are raising awareness for this cause.
What a GREAT site you have here! And the coffee site - that is fantastic!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am amazed at what I've read of your story thus far. You are an inspiration!
Mmmmmmm coffee...all during treatments it was all I could think about! With the side effects though, coffee wasn't an option.
Soooo happy that things have gotten healed enough inside that I can now tolerate 2 cups a day!! Woooowhoooo!! Can't wait till your site is up for ordering!
holy SH!TBALLZ!! can i say that? i hope i can say that. i am SOOO excited for your business! mostly because i'm going to be ordering it. you ship to california, right? i'm working on a post right now and i'm going to link to you, and i'm so excited to also be able to link to your coffee.
this is wonderful. you are wonderful.
sorry for the ballz comment at the top if you're offended by that sort of stuff.
oh, and read the twilight series. i read all four within a week, and my sister and coworker read them within a week. we're totally going to the movie in costume. as 12 year old girls. i just made that up about the costume thing.
read it. i'm SO excited for your coffee.
thanks for the advice. I think i never ever did, because i was scared, and because i probably wouldnt be very happy with the turn out. LOL. Also, can I just say that I think its so awesome your a survivor. Congratulations to you on that. I think it's such a great thing.
Just reading your past few posts, you seem so dedicated and full of knowledge. You're doing great things.
So I didn't get over here yesterday but as I was browsing SITS blogs, your blog came up a lot. I hear it's fantastic, so I had to come check it out. And you were a sweetie & came to visit my blog!
It's cute, for one. And I know I don't know you (yet) but I can't wait to read your amazing story. I'm so glad to have "met" you!
Congrats on getting into the coffee business!! I'll be checking you out for sure.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment :) Your blog is amazing and what you went trough! Will stop by more often!
Thanks for visiting!
I am impressed that you are following your dream..so many people get overwhelmed and never start the journey towards the dream. And how can you fail with coffee? :)
I have never understood the coffee craze. But, my husband has to have his coffee every morning, it is the first thing he thinks about. Maybe you can introduce me to some that would help me understand. :)
i LOVE coffee! can't wait to check out GTB
I love it! Im so excited for you! You look like a serious coffee drinker! Me too! :) I'll check it out!!!
Oh yeah baby...love me some coffee! I'm going to check it out.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are an inspiration and I am proud of your will to fight!
Okay cause I love you ladies I'll give you the coffee website. You can order but its not totally prefect yet so if you see missing pictures and stuff like that "sorry" but if you are dying to get some coffee you can order :)
Already checked it out and I'm drooling!! lol
Meaghan, I tried posting on the GTB blog and couldn't. There isn't a Name/URL option like there is here. Will you be adding that, or should I create a Google account?
hmmmm i didn't realized I created anything at all...lol...I have no idea how to do that but ill go check, hopefully I can figure it out :)
I will have to check it out! Right now I'm hooked on Pumpkin Lattes! I can't think of anything better than having my Latte and helping Cancer awareness too!
Fixed! Now anyone can leave a comment. Thanks Joni for pointing that out :)
We have pumkin Spice and Pumpkinlicious :) Here is the link
My mother is a cervical cancer survior!
We just stated our relay for life campaign at my school!
LOVE your blog!
Awesome and good luck with the new biz!
What a fantastic idea! You are such a go-getter! I love that about you. I just read the first story, and Wow what a journey! Thank you for being such an advocate against cancer. You are an inspiration to us all.
You, and all you are doing,amazes me. I'll check out your new website and the coffee.
I found another blog you might be interested in. It is a doctor who is going through chemotherapy
Came by to say hi and thanks for checking me out. In your picture you look like a blond Lindsey Lohan. I say that as a compliment btw in case you don't like her. LOL
Good luck on the coffee bean thing. Coffee is certainly a huge part of my life. :0)
Love the color scheme on the cancer site and the "why" part.
Congrats on acting on your "passions".
Thanks for visiting my blog, SITSta! I was about to cry reading your bio and blogs! Congratulations on kicking cancer's ass and for starting your biz! I am a coffee addict myself and if I was ever deprived of it...I'm not sure what I would do! You are an inspiration! Cant wait to shop on your site!
You have a surprise over at my blog!
You are wise beyond your years. It is very inspiring to see such a strong young woman! I wish you all the BEST of luck with this. I cannot wait to support you in this!
Way to go Meaghan!!! Thanks for stopping by - I'll be sure to head over to your new blog....great idea! I have many people in my life who went through/are going through bouts with cancer and have many stories. You are an inspiration -- so nice to meet you :) ♥
Just placed my first order!
what a great idea! you really are dedicated to this and that is awesome! thanks for stopping by my blog. keep checkin in!
Meagan... that is awesome! you are an amazing lady!!
That's awesome!
Thank you for your advice and for sharing your story. I'm so sorry. I could not check that link (Internet is being lazy...) so I'll try it again later.
Thank you!
I love it! What a great idea. On my way to check it out.
That is very exciting news! The new blog looks fan-tab-u-lous! Best wishes on your new business!
Best of luck with your work!
You have a great story!
What an awesome idea. I love coffee so maybe if my broke student lifestyle changes a bit, I'll procure some. Good luck!
That is wonderful! I can't wait until it is all up and running. You are awesome!
your blog is so inspiring! so glad you're getting back to healthy :-)
Yay!! You know I will drinking it every morning :)
Awesome blog! And such important messages...I have so many friends in similar circumstances. It's great to "meet" you.
Thanks for stopping by my blog during the SITS blogathon - hope to see you again soon. And I look forward to reading more of your posts...
Take care -
:^) Anna
Meaghan, thank you for stopping by my blog! What an inspiring story you have, I'm so glad you kicked cancer. Please come back & see me again for some decorating inspiration.
GOOD for YOU! I too am a cervical cancer survivor, was diagnosed in my 5th month of pregnacy in 2006. Luckily we caught it in time and was able to remove it ALL with surgery. If I hadnt been pregnant I can bet I wouldnt be so lucky! This is a great blog, Im all for CC Awareness! Im adding you to my blogroll
great idea, girl!
good luck with everything.
happy friday! cheers!
I so know what you mean about feeling alone. When I was diagnosed it was a MAJOR rush to see this cancer DR and this OBGYN, they actually wanted to do the surgery at 5 months pregnant and risk the baby's health! I said NO WAY! I saw a few different cancer Drs who said it was in fact, ok to wait til after I delivered. 3 weeks after I had him I had a cold knife cone biopsy which removed all of the cancer. I go every 4 months for a pap now. I read your story and cry because you are TOO damn young for this! I also smile at how inspiring you are!
That is way cool Meaghan!!!!! What a great thing to do.
By the way, I presented you with an award over on my blog. Come on over and check it out. It was from yesterday.
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