This is a very important article and I encourage you all to read it. In this article the recent Nobel Prize winner speaks about Cervical Cancer, HPV and the current vaccination. I am shocked at how misinformed women AND Gynecologists are about the vaccine.
I talk about cervical cancer to whoever will listen. Daily I am reminded that the majority of women are completely misinformed. Not only are every day women misinformed shockingly so are gynecologists. When I tell women that in fact the current vaccine will not work for them if they are sexually active I am met with resistance. "My gyno told me that as long as I'm under 26 the vaccine is good for me" -WRONG! If you are interested in becoming informed about the current vaccine read the article, share the article, talk about the article!!
Furthermore, the vaccine is much too expensive! This is a vaccine that can prevent CANCER! Its the first and only vaccine out there that can prevent cancer. Cancer effects the rich the middle class and the poor. It is completely unfair that only the wealthy are allowed to protect themselves against this cancer, ridiculous!
Also, for the men out there reading this blog. YOU CAN GET THE VACCINE TOO! Over 90% of men are hpv carriers. This means they too should get the vaccine and stop transmitting the hpv virus to women. Most people are unaware that men can also get the vaccine.
As always I appreciate all your support and willingness to learn ever day!
Thank you for the information! I would have never thought about this without reading it here! I can now inform my friends as well! Thanks again!!
congratulations to you for kicking cancer's butt!
my dad passed away from melanoma in 2004...it was a very short period of suffering, and it makes me sad that so many people suffer through cancer...
thanks for the comment!
way to kick a@&. I have an 11 year old daughter and am completely for the vaccine for her. I believe she is close to "the approved age". I hope I have all my info right though!
If anyone ever has any questions about cervical cancer, hpv, vaccine whatever - just send me an email megse5@netscape.net I am so happy to help :)
Thanks for sharing this. It's good to know that there's a voice out there screaming out the truth. Keep it up! we need more voice like you to educate us. Btw, thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me find you.
You are doing women and men a great service :) They should make it required for college students much like other vaccines...
Thank you for that info! I agree that many people are misinformed about it!
Meaghan! You are a superstar! Besides chocolate and Mr. Man, you are one of my most favorite-est things!
super star
that's what you are
Thanks for stopping by today!
I did not know men could get the vaccine. . . seems that is important enough to be included in its own commercials (beats the 4 hour long erection ones).
Hey thanks for stopping by. Don't you love the gorgeous mountains of Utah? The ones in my valley are especially great! :) I am going to send you an email shortly with some questions. thanks!!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the sweet comments. Your story is such an inspiration. While I haven't dealt with cervical cancer, I do have a condition called incompetent cervix, preventing me from carrying a pregnancy to term without assistance. I look forward to looking around your blog and learning more about your journey. Thank you for sharing your story for all to hear!
~ Lurenda
Thanks for the sweet comment and stopping by my blog!
Wow, I'm impressed with the article. I never knew half of that stuff. I always thought about getting the vaccine, but I never really looked into it. I always figured I would just wait until I got older.
What you're doing is so amazing and you should be so proud of yourself! Congratulations to you for kicking cancer's ass (I love the blog title)!! The fact that you're in turn helping other woman and even men learn about how they too can prevent or kick cancer themselves is something to be commended for.
Congrats on almost being done with law school too! Glad to know all the hard work will eventually pay off.
Thank you for the information. I have been going back and forth on whether or not to get the vaccine. Your blog is so informative and helpful! Congrats on beating cancer. You are a true inspiration to all women.
Glad you kicked cancer's @$$! This came at perfect timing for me. My sisters and I were just talking about HPV. I'm about to forward to them your blog.
You have a truely incredible blog! Thanks for stopping by mine.gvkuk
Thank you for posting this. My daughter is in the process of getting the vaccine, and her dad's wife is VERY mad at me for doing it. We have done battle over it. She sends me totally biased links about how awful the vax is. I'm done arguing with her, I know I did the right thing, but this confirmation helps even more.
Meaghan, first of all congrads on beating cancer. I agree, women are completely misinformed about this vaccine. When it first came out I emailed all the parents I knew and asked them to read it and make their own choice. Unfortunately I got all kinds of comments back about it being a 'teen sex' issue not a cancer issue; very conservative area here. As you I was floored that parents couldn't seem to grasp the idea that this simple vacccine would save their daughter and young women around the world. Price should never be an issue. If they can afford birth control (many insurance carriers will not carry all forms of birth control such as the new IUD also over $500) they can afford to save a/their life.
Hey, thanks for sharing. I plan on re-posting this article on my blog in the future!
Thanks for providing information to help prevent cancer. Congratulations on kicking cancer to the curb!
This is such good information!
You are doing a great job of raising awareness of cervical cancer. The cause needs people like you to fight for research! Keep up the good work!
Thank you and YES I am so proud of my family! I love your blog and love the awareness you are putting out there!
I am 100% for safe vaccines. Which is why I selectively vax my daughter. Unfortunately, there are still too many negative side effects from this vaccine right now. So many young girls are getting physically harmed after getting it. Until it can be changed to be safer, I won't be putting it on the list for my daughter. Which is a shame. Cervical Cancer is NOT something I want her to have to deal with. Hopefully it will change soon!
wow I just realized I didn't have all my facts straight about the vaccine either! thanks!
Thanks Meaghan for stopping by. Email me your address and I will get you out some bones. I think the Post Office is closed Monday so Tuesday I will get them out to you.
Have a good weekend,
Thanks for all your willingness to help!! Great info. I appreciate you putting yourself out there to be a help and informant to us :)
I am scheduled next week to take my 15 y o daughter for this vaccine. Thanks for the info. I had no idea that you couldn't be sexually active. I'm glad we are not putting if off any longer!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
It drives me crazy when men don't know that they carry HPV. And most don't even know what it is. And have you ever tried to explain it to a man? Its like they hear a few words they don't understand and just tune you out! Grow up men!
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