What Am I Doing Now?
Right now I am finishing up law school, being a girlfriend, sister, daughter and friend, oh yea and fighting the secondary affects of cancer. My life has finally started to get back to normal. I am re-entering society. People don’t understand how much cancer takes its victims out of society. Re-entry is not easy but I am finding my way.
The secondary effects of cancer treatments can be just as bad as the cancer and the treatments themselves. Personally, I suffer from radiation effects. My colon, bladder, digestive system are all burnt and cause many difficulties and pain. I have surgery every three months due to damage my tumor left. And daily I fight against the emotional scars that cancer left. But, every day things get easier. Each day that I decide to take control of my life I get a little more of it back.
I came back to law school only 4 months after I stopped treatment and 1 month after I got the news that I was cancer free. It was hard but so worth it! In two months I will be a law school graduate! In February I will sit for the bar and in a year from now, hopefully, I will be a lawyer practicing law!
Right now I am also doing everything in my power to raise cervical cancer awareness. I created a blog and post daily, I write into talk shows, papers, radio programs etc…I tell everyone who will listen what happened to me and how I overcame it. You can beat cancer. Cancer only takes from you what you allow it. If I decided not to go back to school, to think of all the things I could never have, cry, scream, pout, become a recluse it would have been my choice.
I have learned how to embrace what happened to me. To make it a part of who I am and who I am going to be. Don’t get me wrong. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t have moments of sadness, anger and fear. But, I make sure for every moment I feel those things I create other moments. Moments of happiness, desire, laughter, creativity, goals etc…
If you are fighting against cancer now, beat cancer or are supporting someone please take the time to figure out the positive of it all. Figure out how to take your life back, how to be happy and fulfilled. Cancer will be more than willing to take everything from you if you let it!
Keep fighting.

I'm looking forward to the time you can write the post letting all us know you passed the bar exam! You go girl!
ME TOO!!!!
Great post! I think you are amazing. One of the silver linings of my cancer recovery is a newfound appreciation of life's smaller pleasures. Also, an ability to let the little neative things go and not engage.
Where you really are today - showing me that everyone has their battles, big or small, and that it's all in the way you show those foes who's boss that makes the difference. Thanks, I so needed that reminder.
Kudos to you Meaghan!
Hi Meaghan
I don't know what to say, except...way to go! I too have been diagnosed with end stage cervical cancer. Except mine spread to my lymph system and is now officially a brain tumor.
I found you on MyHopeSpace and I will be following your blog> All the luck and positive vibes heading your way :)
You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing this with us!
hi there!! thank you so much for stopping by my blog!
what a story you have...and what an inspiration you are! thank you for sharing:) and way to go on law school.....you're almost there!!
That is so the truth, Cancer will take more than just your health. I'm not personally the one with cancer but watching and fighting with my spouse is more intense than I ever could have imagined. Reach that goal of graduating! We are all pulling for you to succeed.
What a wonderful post. How exciting to be featured on another blog.
Even as you go through the daily struggles as you said, you are a very strong woman and I may be a complete stranger but I would like to say that I am so proud of you. Not many people would stand up to cancer and fight as bravely as you have.
You have kicked Cancer's ASS and now you can show all others how inspiring that is and how to do it!!!
What an amazing testamony of your enderance. You do know you can do all you set your mind and spirit to do. It is because your SAUCY!
Wow- you're tough! Way to go!
Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog... and now thanks for uplifting me! :) Come back soon!
You blog is so amazing, you are so amazing. God bless you in your fight and quest to spread awareness.
When my dad was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor, we thought that our world had ended. It didn't. He lived and touched so many lives with his story. Sometimes, I wonder if that was his purpose. You are doing the very same thing. Touching many with your wonderful story! Thank your for coming by my blog! I am so glad you did!
I am now a follower of your blog! :) You rock! I know you will kick the bar exam's butt someday as well! Just think: if you can do this, you can do any and everything! Cheers!
My mom beat uterine cancer 2 years ago and we are so thankful for her healing. Love your site, love your heart. Congrats, congrats n law school--can't wait to hear when you pass the bar!
Beautiful post. You are an amazing woman!
Meaghan...I am currently going through my own cancer thing right now. It's been well over a year now that I've been dealing with this and while I blog about most things in my life, this is the one thing I haven't been able to speak about yet. It was great to come to your blog and start reading about how you've dealt with this. I am a brand new reader but I look forward to going thru your archives to read more.
You are such an inspiration!
Good luck
Wow! You are seriously an wonderful inspiration! Congrats to you on almost finishing law school! That is a defeat in and of it self.
Your posts are fantastic. Thank you for sharing.
Just found your blog...and I cannot tell you how much I admire your spirit!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be looking forward to hearing more about you...and that coffee ;) Feel free to drop me a line when y'all are up and running
You sound like an amazing woman! Congrats on graduating and surviving everything you've gone through with grace.
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