I have posted a lot of links to great websites but I am not sure if people are taking advantage of them. Personally, if I went to a blog like mine and saw a huge list of web page links I would most likely be overwhelmed and not check them out. So, today I am going to write a short synopsis about some of the sites to encourage people to check out those sites that might be HUGELY helpful to them.
during my treatment and recovery I was so overwhelmed with all the information, charities and help being offered that I just pushed it all away. If one thing didn't apply to me I would get all pissy and respond, "that has nothing to do with it wont help" and then I would be turned off by the rest of the offerings. People have to understand that cancer fighters and survivors are MAD, no that's not the right word, we are ANGRY, FURIOUS, FLIPPED OUT, ya that's better ;). Now that I have been out of the woods for a little while and feeling sorta better I have been more open to help and I realized how wonderful it is. So I am encouraging everyone to look at the links I have provided and if you have any you think I should include, SHARE :)
Cancer Symptoms-info. for understanding Cancer Symptoms: This is a good site for those of us who have had or still have cancer. Its a site that explains different symptoms that you may be facing. It has several sections. The Learn Section of each symptom tab provides information about causes and effects of the different cancer treatments. Then the Manage section of each symptom gives helpful advice on how to control or minimize the effects of that cancer treatment related symptom. There is also a tab for Ask an Oncology Nurse that puts you in touch with an actual oncology nurse. I found this site super helpful because I am always experiencing new strange things and instead of calling my doctor every day I can check this site.
TheSAMFund: This group is amazing for young adults. People who have been diagnosed after the cut off date for most aid. They offer scholarships for everything, rent, medical bills, last year the woman who introduced me to this link won a scholarship to see her psychologist. I know I will be looking into this more because my insurance dropped me, I live in FL and I can only get medical care in Massachusetts. I haven't been able to see a psychologist but I think I should ;)
Bald Is Beautiful: LOVE this one. This site was created an Sharon Blynn, an ovarian cancer survivor who decided to use her experience and healing choices to help others learn to flip the script cancer! There are some really great things on this site and I encourage you to visit it, check it out and share it. Sharon will be writing a guest post this month for my blog so keep a look out for her ;)
Young Adults with Cancer: This is a great site as well. They have a lot of links and you are sure to find one that fits what you are looking for. Personally, I use this site a lot and I recommend you take a look to see if it has anything that might be useful for you.
Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation: This foundation treats families to "WOW" experiences. The foundation provides a fun family experience for children who will soon lose their mom or dad to cancer. I recommend you take advantage of this site foundation if it is something that applies to you. Its a great idea to give the family that one last journey together and leave the children with fond memories during a very sad time.
I Give: This is pretty cool. You can shop online at over 700 brand name stores, Gap, Best Buy, Staples, Home Depot, Nordstrom etc...and a portion of each purchase is donated to your favorite cause. I know most of us shop at at least a couple of these stores so why not go through this site and give some much needed $ to charity!
1 comment:
i dont know if you wanna post that..but just for the case u might have some more GERMAN readers (besides me) ...the following link leads to side on the internet, where ppl with cancer (EVERY KIND of cancer) , survivors and loved ones are writing in..giving hints to eachother..also with medical advices..its a page that helped me A LOT cuz i recognized "i am not the only one"... the page is in german only.
krebs = cancer
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