As a lot of you know I am the founder of Spirit Jump, a non profit organization with the mission to support those battling cancer. Spirit Jump was honored to be 1 of 4 charities involved in the #beatcancer mission to get the most shared messages on the internet. This attempt was successful and got in the Guinness Book Of World Records!! And ontop of that over $70,000.00 was raised to be shared between the 4 charities involved.
While this was only a 24 hour attempt the message continued on long after those 24 hours lapsed. In fact someone even jumped out of an airplane to support #beatcancer. DigiJeff, who works with Chamillionaire a multi platnium artist, had never jumped out of a plane before nor did he ever want to. But, he saw an opportunity to make a difference and took it.
Please take a moment to watch this video about DigiJeff's #beatcancer jump!
As many of you know Spirit Jump had the honor and privilege to attend both Blogworld and Sitscation in Las Vegas. It was an amazing experience and we met so many wonderful people, organizations and business.
Our founder, Meaghan Edelstein, was invited by Blogworld to be a speaker on the Kick Cancer's Ass Panel along with Jay Scott of Alex's Lemonade Stand, Drew Olanoff from Blame Drew's Cancer and Natalie Lent of Stand Up To Cancer. It was an amazing opportunity for Meaghan to meet some very influential, inspiring and brilliant people who fighting to bring cancer awareness to the forefront of peoples minds and hearts.
As many of you know Spirit Jump was also invited to Blogworld as 1 of 10 winners of the Name Your Cause contest held on Twitter. This gave us an opportunity to have a booth at the Expo on Friday 10-1:30 where we gave out "swag" bags and encourage everyone around to sign up and become a Spirit Jumper. All the items in our "swag" bags were donated by Spirit Jumpers like Live Life Solid, Do Life Now, Pinwheel Girls, Destiny, Amy B.- THANK YOU!
Spirit Jump was also involved in a charity contest called Charity Smackdown with the other winners of Name Your Cause. We were the heavy underdogs and won by only $30. We could not have done this without all our amazing supporters who made this win possible! As the winners of Charity Smackdown Paypal will donate $2,000.00 to Spirit Jump!
Spirit Jump knew right away that we had to donate some of our winnings back to the other charities. Each one of these charities raises money for important causes and were represented by amazing people who we fell in love with. So, when Spirit Jump receives its $2,000 prize from PayPal we will be donating some of that to the following charities:
Heifer Portland
Canine Companions for Independence
Best Friend Animal Society
Alex's Lemonade Stand
Stepwise Foundation
Surfrider Foundation
LA's Best
Mothers Fighting For Others
Canine Companions for Independence
Best Friend Animal Society
Alex's Lemonade Stand
Stepwise Foundation
Surfrider Foundation
LA's Best
Mothers Fighting For Others
Here are some photos of the Spirit Jump team with some of the above charities:
(Jay & Melissa of Alex's Lemonade Stand)
(Meaghan with Noland & Bryan of Heifer Portland)
(Rocky of Mothers Fighting For Others)
(Kerri with 3For5)
(Sally of Stepwise)
(Bryan with two representatives of LA's Best)
Spirit Jump was also very honored to be invited to SITSCATION and man did we have a blast with these ladies!
The amazing ladies at SITS threw a fabulous fundraiser party for us last Friday at the Venetian and it was so much fun! I (Meaghan) met many of the women I have been looking up to for the past year and a half I have been blogging, I danced my butt off AND SITS raised over $900.00 for us that night!!!! This was just more than we could have ever imagined and for that we will be eternally grateful!
To top it all off SITS also hosted an online auction that very day and will be hosting a second one this Friday. We have been in such desperate need for funding and these ladies really pulled through for us....THANK YOU!
Spirit Jump was part of a Historical moment
Some of you may have seen the #beatcancer over the past few days. This was an attempt by an organization called Everywhere to set a Guinness World Record for distribution of the largest mass message through social media. Four charities were chosen to be a part of this record setting attempt and Spirit Jump was one of the four which also included Stand Up To Cancer, Alex's Lemonade Stand and Bright Pink. Along with setting a record over $70,000 was raised to be shared between the four charities involved.
We at Spirit Jump would like to extend a huge thank you to MillerCoors, Ebay/PayPal and Everywhere for making this possible and for including us in this important record setting message #beatcancer.

Im Speaking At Blogworld!
Spirit Jump is extremely excited about our upcoming trip to Las Vegas where we will attend Blog World and SITSCATION .
Thursday 10/15, SJ founder Meaghan Edelstein will be a panelist on the Kick Cancer’s Ass panel at the Blog World conference along with other fellow cancer ass kickers like Drew Olanoff of Blame Drew’s Cancer, Stand Up To Cancer & Alex's Lemonade Stand
Friday night, SITS will be throwing a fantastic party for Spirit Jump with a raffle and online auction. SITS is generously donating 100% of the proceeds generated from the raffle and online auction to Spirit Jump! You can participate in the online auction by clicking here starting this Friday morning.
Spirit Jump is about to get seriously SMACKED DOWN. Here's why. As many of you know Spirit Jump is a small grassroots organization that operates with virtually NO budget. We will be going up against some VERY LARGE, well organized organizations with MUCH LARGER budgets in what's called the Charity Smackdown. So it looks like we are about to get SMACKED DOWN BIG TIME...UNLESS... YOU HELP THE UNDERDOG WIN!
Spirit Jump will be competing against 8 other charities who all won spots to Blogworld through the Name Your Cause contest (you can see the other causes by clicking the link).
The contest begins on Thursday October 15 @ 1pm EST and runs through Saturday October 17 @ 12pm EST. Whichever charity receives the most donations through Paypal wins! The first prize winner receives $2,000 from Paypal, second place $1,000 and third $500.
Make a donation to Spirit Jump on any one of the following sites through Paypal. Any amount will help $1,$5, $10, $20 whatever. Also if you know any BIG HITTERS who would like to donate to a great cause this would be the time to call them. (You do not need to have a Paypal account to do this you can use a credit card):
Only donations made through the PayPal widgets via the sites listed above count towards the contest!
The charity with the most donations WINS! You can see a who is winning by visiting the Charity Smackdown website.
Whether you are able to donate or not here is how you can also help us win:
We are HUGE underdogs and the only way we stand a chance at winning is with your help!
1) If you use Twitter follow @BWsmackdown to watch the smack talk and keep track of who is winning. When Tweeting use the hashtag #BWsmackdown.
2) Post and alert all of your friends on Facebook
3) If you Blog then Blog about it
4) Call your friends, email your contacts, knock on your neighbors doors whatever you can think of to help get the word out
Thanks so much for your support! Now let's not let those BIG BULLY'S PUSH LIL OL' SPIRIT JUMP AROUND! NOW GO GET EM!
A couple firsts for this Cancer Ass Kicking Gal
Wow I have been neglecting this amazing blog and that is bad, bad, bad! Don't worry I am not going to abandon it so please stick with me! So much has been going on and there have been so many firsts for me these days. Therefore, this blog is dedicated to FIRST:
I ran a 5k in honor of those who lost their lives and are currently battling Breast Cancer. It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we should all be doing our part in raising awareness. Most people reading this blog know that I do not nor did I ever have breast cancer but instead had 3b cervical cancer. However, many of you do not know that my mother and aunt both battled breast cancer. This is a serious disease and we all need to show support for those who have and are facing it.
This run was also about me though. Since my battle with cancer I have lost all my muscle and a lot of my courage to run. Thanks to my amazing boyfriend, Bryan, I have been running every day. Bryan encourage me to to do this run and while it was difficult I felt so amazing when I crossed that finish line. I did something I thought I could never do after cancer and man does that feel great - IN YOUR FACE CANCER!
This run was also about me though. Since my battle with cancer I have lost all my muscle and a lot of my courage to run. Thanks to my amazing boyfriend, Bryan, I have been running every day. Bryan encourage me to to do this run and while it was difficult I felt so amazing when I crossed that finish line. I did something I thought I could never do after cancer and man does that feel great - IN YOUR FACE CANCER!
I know it sounds strange but since my diagnosis in February 2007 I have NEVER participated in any type of therapy (individual or group). Yesterday I did participate in a workshop for woman who have battled cancer. All I can say was this experience was amazing and showed me how much I need to work through. After this experience I would highly suggest workshops for those who are not so interested in private therapy sessions. I met some wonderful men and women and was able to share my experience and hear that I am not alone in the feelings I felt were so strange and hard to express.
I never thought anyone would want me to speak at a conference so man was I surprised when I was asked to participate in two very impressive conferences. The first is SITSCATION an amazing two day conference put on by the lovely SITS Girls Next Friday night they are hosting a party/raffle where all proceeds will go to my charity, Spirit Jump. I am also going to attend the entire conference, learn tons and meet some amazing people.
The second conference I was invited to speak at is Blog World Yes you heard me right Blog World! In 2007 they had 98 Million viewers (attendees + online viewers) and MEAGHAN EDELSTEIN is going to be on a panel. I am so excited about this. I will be on the panel with Drew from I Blame Drew's Cancer, Stand Up To Cancer and Alex's Lemonade Stand. The panel is set for Thursday 10:00-11:15.
AND....Spirit Jump won 1 of 10 spots for NPO's to participate in Blog World. This means Spirit Jump will be a part of the Expo and have an opportunity to share our mission with over 40,000 attendee's. We are just beyond excited!
So things have been crazy but with GREAT things! I can't thank you all for the support you have given me and the guidance as well. Don't give up on this blog I promise to post more often and share all the things that I can do and be after Kicking Cancer's Ass!
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