My Friends Awesome Store

My best friends sister in law, who I totally love, has the most fabulous store ever in Chicago. I was super excited to hear that she now has an online stores so I can buy her stuff. My most favorite gift I have ever gotten was from Becca's store. Jessica got me a beautiful Cross necklace when I was diagnosed and when I was cleared of cancer she got me another one that says survivor.

Please help me show support to Becca by visiting her store. And, if you need any x-mass gifts, besides coffee, you should definitely shop at Urban General Store!


  1. Ooooh, I'm going by to check it out!!


    "Nana's Box"

  2. LOL Love the pill box!!

  3. Thanks for sharing - I'll be sure to check it out.

  4. Hey, thanks for letting me know about all the upcoming giveaways! My husband is SO excited about the chance to win free coffee!

  5. Cool! On my way to check it out.

  6. I LOVE the store! Nice prices too!
    I totally need at least one of everything!

    Thanks! It's in my favorites now!

  7. Have thought so much about you over the last few days. One of my dear friends has a daughter who has also become a dear friend. She began feeling a bit 'off', was a little tired and puney for a couple of days, went in for a blood draw as she has been trying to get pregnant and discovered that she had full-blown M3 leukemia. The diagnosis was made about 10 days ago. She has just finished intensive chemo and we almost lost her a couple of times as she began to bleed internally and then had her lungs fill with fluid. She is stable now, out of ICU and seems to have responded well to the chemo.

    Again, this whole thing has transpired over 10 days. She had a completely clean blood work-up 30 days ago as she has been trying to get pregnant. I've just thought so much of your victory, the way you are informing and giving back. Thank you.


  8. I will pass this on to whomever I can!
